AGREEMENT made at .................. on .................. this ..............
day of .............,
Between (1) A, son of................ resident of ............... (2) B, son of
resident of ..................................... and (3) C, son of
resident of ........................ (hereinafter called "the
Vendor", which
shall, unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to
mean and include their heirs, executors, administrators and Assigns) of the ONE
PART and the ................... a company incorporated under the Companies
Act, 1956 and having its registered office at .........................
(hereinafter called 'the Purchasers', which expression shall, unless it be
repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors
and assigns) of the OTHER PART.
the Vendors are absolutely seized and possessed or otherwise well and
sufficiently entitled to the piece or parcel of land bearing Plot No
............. situated
more particularly described in the First Schedule hereunder written and
delineated on the plan thereof hereto annexed and thereon shown surrounded by
red coloured boundary line, which is hereinafter referred to as "the said
WHEREAS the Vendors have purchased the said land under a Deed of
dated .................... and made between ................. of the one part
of the other part, which sale deed has been registered with Sub-Registrar of
in Book No. 1 at pages ......... at Sr. No ............ in Volume No
WHEREAS the said land was not vacant as on the date of the commencement of the
Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976, and as such no permission is
required from the Government of or the competent Authority under the said Act
to hold the said land and deal with the same.
WHEREAS the Vendors propose to demolish the old structures standing on the said
land and intend to construct the buildings thereon and for that purpose, the
Vendors have submitted site plans for construction of the building on the said
land, to the Municipal Corporation of and the said . Municipal Corporation have
approved the said plans on terms and conditions set out in its letter dated
..................... a true copy whereof is annexed hereto and- marked as
Annexure - A;
WHEREAS the Purchasers intend to purchase ready built flats for their
executives and employees in the city of .............. and advertised for the
same in the newspapers and the Vendors have submitted their offer to sell the
flats to the Purchasers which the Purchasers have agreed to purchase.
The Vendors shall sell to the Purchasers and the Purchasers shall purchase from
the Vendors the said land and four buildings with flats being constructed
thereon at the rate
Rs. ................. (Rs. ......................................................
) per sq. ft. of built up area of the entire completed buildings.
purchasers shall pay the said price to the Vendors in the manner given below:
................................... on execution of this Agreement
. ........................................ on plinth
. ......................................... on casting of 1st slab
.......................... on casting of 2nd slab
........................................ on casting of 3rd slab
......................................... on casting of 4th slab
(vii) Rs.
........................................ on casting of 5th slab
(viii) Rs.
....................................... after completion of sanitary, plumbing
and carpentry work.
......................... on handing over the possession of the buildings.
Purchasers shall make payment to the Vendors in different stages, on receipt of
the certificate from the Architect to the effect that the Vendors have
completed the stage on which payment is required to be made in terms of this
Vendors hereby agree and undertake to construct on the said land the buildings
consisting of flats in accordance with the plans approved by ..............
Municipal Corporation, true copies whereof are annexed hereto and marked as
Annexure - A, in accordance with the specifications set out in the Second
Schedule hereunder written:
that the Purchasers may require the Vendors to make changes or alterations in
the said plans, as it may deem necessary to suit its requirements AND the
hereby undertake to get the said alterations or changes approved by the
Municipal Corporation of .............. at its own cost and execute the said
fixtures, fittings and amenities to be provided by the Vendors in the said
buildings are those set out in Annexure - B annexed hereto.
rate of Rs...................... per sq. ft. of the built-up area of the said
completed buildings on the said land is inclusive of:
cost of land.
and sanitary works.
electricity and gas connection including internal and external water supply.
wall of the land with gates.
fighting installation.
(vii) Two lifts each in all the
(viii) Underground and overhead
tanks, pump houses an installation of electrically operated water pumps.
deposits with the authorities for water, electricity, gas, sewerage, sanction
of the plans, etc.
and other expenses of the Architects and RCC specialists.
of the buildings during the construction.
(xii) All other works required
for the completion of the buildings as per bye-laws of the .. for issue of
completion and occupation certificates.
above rates are firm and shall not be varied under any circumstances
whatsoever. All taxes payable in respect of the constructions and materials
including sales tax on works contract, if payable, shall be payable by the
total built up area of the said building shall be about .................. sq.
ft. and the Purchasers shall pay the purchase price on the basis of actual
calculations arrived at after joint measurements by the Architects of both the
expression 'built up area' shall mean the plinth area of all the floors and
balconies as shown in the approved plans measured from their respective outer
parameters. The staircase and lift with their common passages and landings
measured from plaster to plaster will be excluded from the calculation of the
built up area. The areas of the Pump rooms, lofts, suction tanks, overhead
tanks and watchman's cabins, staircase cabin, lift machine room, open chocks,
ducts within or outside the buildings, terrace and the architectural projections
shall not be taken into consideration for the purpose of arriving at built up
area of the buildings for calculating purchase price.
Vendors hereby declare that the floor space index (F.S.I.) in respect of the
said land is ..................... sq. m. and no part of the said FSI has been
utilised by the Vendors. It any additional F.S.I. become available at any time
but before the execution of Deed of
the Vendors will be entitled to utilise the said F.S.I. elsewhere and the
Purchasers will not object to the same and will not be entitled to any benefits
arising out of the same. If any such additional F.S.I. becomes available, after
the execution of Deed of Conveyance the Purchasers will be entitled to utilise
the said F.S.I. in additional construction on the said buildings as may be
allowed by .............. Municipal Corporation.
Purchasers shall pay Rs. ................ to the Vendors on the execution of
these presents.
Vendors shall make out a clear and marketable title to the land to the
satisfaction of the Purchaser's Solicitors and Advocates. In the event of the
Vendors not satisfying the Purchaser's Solicitors about their title within
....... days from the date of execution of this agreement, the Vendors shall
refund the earnest money of Rs. .......................
with interest at the rate of ....... % p.a. thereon within ....... days of
expiry of ....... days of execution of these presents.
Vendors agree and undertake to pay all taxes, duties, assessments, dues, levies
and outgoings in respect of the said land and the buildings to be constructed
thereon upto the date of execution of the deed of conveyance in favour of the
Purchasers and the Purchasers shall bear and pay the same from the date of the conveyance.
Vendors shall within eight days from the execution of these presents deliver to
the Purchaser's on their accountable receipt all the title deeds within their
possession or power relating to the said land hereby agreed to be sold, for the
purpose of examining the title thereto.
Vendors shall deduce a marketable title to the land hereby agreed to be sold
free from reasonable doubts and all encumbrances. The Vendors agree and
undertake that they will at their own cost get in all outstanding estimates and
clear all defects in title, encumbrance and claims to or in respect of the said
land including all claims by way of sale, exchange, mortgage, gifts, trust,
inheritance, possession, lease, lien, easements or otherwise.
case the Vendors fail to make out a marketable title to the satisfaction of
Purchaser's solicitors and Advocates or should any objection or requisition
whatsoever be insisted upon which the Vendors are unable to comply with, the
Purchasers may terminate this agreement and thereupon the Vendors shall refund
the earnest money with interest at the rate of ...... % per annum thereon till
repayment. In such an event neither party shall be entitled to any damages or
specific performance of this agreement.
Vendors hereby declare that the said land hereby agreed to be sold to the
Purchasers is freehold land and has been converted into non-agricultural use
and that the said land is free from encumbrances, mortgages, attachments or
charge of any nature.
Vendors declare and represent to the Purchasers that the said land was not
vacant on the date of coming into force of the Urban Land (Ceiling &
Regulation) Act, 1976 and therefore no permission from the Government of
.............. or Competent Authority, Urban Land Ceiling, is required for the
sale of the said land.
is hereby agreed that the stamp duty and registration charges and all out of
pocket costs, charges and expenses of and incidental to this agreement and the
conveyance seed shall be borne and paid by the Purchasers. However, the Vendors
and the Purchasers will bear and pay for their own solicitors' charges.
Vendors shall obtain and produce or shall cause to be obtained and produced by
all other parties concerned requisite certificate under section 230A of the
Income-tax Act, 1961 in respect of the sale of the said land and the buildings
to the Purchasers. The Vendors shall also obtain no objection certificate from
the Appropriate Authority, Incometax Department under Chapter XXC, income-tax
Act, 1961. The Purchasers shall join the Vendors in making application under
section 269UC, Income-tax Act, 1961 to the Appropriate Authority, Income-tax
Department for obtaining no objection certificate.
Vendors hereby agree to observe, perform and comply with all the terms,
conditions, stipulation and restrictions, if any, which may have been imposed
by the .............. Municipal Corporation at the time of sanctioning the said
plans or thereafter and shall before handing over possession of the building to
the Purchaser, obtain from the .............. Municipal Corporation, completion
and occupation certificates in respect of the buildings to the Purchaser.
Vendors hereby declare that at present there is no notice, order or intimation
issued by the Government or the Municipal Corporation of .............. or any
other public body or authority for acquisition or requisition of the said land
or any part thereof and it any such notice, order or intimation is received by
the Vendors before the execution of conveyance deed pursuant to these presents,
then the Purchasers may terminate this agreement and in such case the Vendors
shall return and repay the earnest money together with the interest amount at
the rate of 18% per annum till the date of repayment thereof. However the
Purchasers may require the Vendor to complete the sale subject to such notice,
order or intimation, if so desired by the Purchasers. The Purchaser will
communicate its decision to the Vendors in writing within 30 days from the
issue of such notice, order or intimation. In case, the Purchasers opt to
terminate this agreement, each party shall bear their own costs incurred upto
that period.
Vendors shall make and execute a conveyance deed in favour of the purchasers or
their nominee or nominees after the construction stage of all the buildings
reach upto plinth level and the conveyance deed will be executed for a price of
the land and the cost of construction completed upto the date of execution of
conveyance deed. The draft of the conveyance deed shall be prepared by the
Purchaser's solicitors and approved by the Vendor's solicitors.
the time of execution of the conveyance deed in respect of the land, the
Vendors shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Purchasers the title
deeds exclusively relating to the said land hereby agreed to be sold and shall
keep the common documents in their safe custody and produce the same to the
Purchasers as and when required by the Purchasers for reasonable cause and a covenant
to that effect shall be inserted in the conveyance deed to be executed in
respect of the land.
the purchase of the land with flats is not completed due to wilful default on
the part of the Purchasers, the Vendors will be entitled to forfeit earnest
money paid by the Purchasers and the Vendors shall also be entitled to claim
all costs, charges and expenses including the Vendors solicitors' professional
fees and costs incurred by the Vendors. However in any case, the Vendors shall
not be entitled to insist upon specific performance of this Agreement.
the sale of the land with flats is not completed due to wilful default on the
part of the Vendors, the Purchasers shall be entitled either to claim specific
performance or to terminate the agreement and claim damages from the Vendors
and in either of the events, the Vendors shall be liable to pay all costs,
charges and expenses, solicitors' fees and costs incurred by the Purchasers
together with the return of earnest money and other sum paid with interest
thereon at the rate of 18 per cent per annum.
completion of the sale, the Purchasers shall be the absolute owners of the said
land and buildings thereon and the Vendors shall complete the construction of
the buildings and his possession of the said land will be as mere licencee.
Vendors hereby agree and undertake to complete the construction of all the
buildings agreed to be sold hereunder on or before the expiry of six months
from the date of execution of these presents in accordance with the plans duly
approved and sanctioned by the Municipal Corporation of .............. and
specifications as set out in the Second Schedule written hereunder and other
terms and conditions as set out in this agreement.
that the Vendors shall be entitled to reasonable extension of time for giving
delivery of buildings on the aforesaid date, if the completion of the buildings
is delayed on account of-
of steel, cement, other building material, water or electric supply;
(ii) war, civil commotion or act
of God;
(iii)any notice, order, rule, notification
of the Government, .............. Municipal Corporation and/or other public or
competent authority.
Vendors shall execute the construction work with good material and in
workmanship manner and the Purchasers may be entitled to depute its own
Engineer to supervise the construction work.
Vendors will undertake all the works included in the Agreement and they shall
not directly or indirectly transfer, assign or under-let the contract or any
part/share thereof or any interest therein without the prior consent of the
Purchaser in writing.
the Vendors fail to complete the said buildings on the said land within the
period or the extended period as stipulated in the foregoing provision and fail
to deliver the possession of the same to the Purchasers by the stipulated date,
the Vendors shall be liable to pay liquidated damages calculated at Rs. .......
per day for the period during which the said works shall so remain incomplete
and the purchasers may deduct such damages from any moneys due to the Vendor.
The Vendors hereby authorise the Purchasers to deduct such liquidated damages,
if any, from any payments to be made to the Vendors in terms of this agreement.
is hereby further agreed between the parties hereto that the Vendors shall
allow the Purchaser's officials or his Engineers on site ' at all reasonable
times to inspect the progress of the construction work and materials used for
the construction and the said persons shall be entitled to point out to the
Vendors any defects in the construction work, quality of workmanship or
materials used when such defective work is in progress or being executed or
such material is being brought on site and in such case the Vendors shall
rectify such defects in the said construction at their own cost and if the
Vendors tail to rectify the defects, the purchasers shall be entitled to get
such defects removed at the risk and cost of the Vendors.
Vendors shall procure all the materials required for construction of the
buildings, including steel and cement at their cost, and the Purchasers shall
not be liable for the procurement of such item. However, the Purchasers shall
co-operate with the Vendors by making necessary applications to the concerned
authorities, it required by the Vendors for steel and cement.
Vendors shall procure the completion and occupation certificates in respect of
all the buildings necessary from the Municipal Corporation of .............. in
order to enable the Purchasers to occupy and use the buildings. As soon as the
completion and occupation certificates are received by the Vendors, the Vendors
shall give a notice to the Purchasers to deliver the possession of the said
buildings and the Purchasers shall receive the possession of the said buildings
within a week from the date of receipt of such notice.
before the execution of the Deed of Conveyance in respect of the land and
buildings, the said land and building is notified by the Government or any
other authority for acquisition or requisition, the Purchasers shall not be
entitled to cancel this Agreement. In case of acquisition of the land and the
buildings, the Purchasers shall be entitled either to refund of the amount paid
by him to the Vendors under this Agreement or to the compensation for property
if and when awarded by the Government or other Authority at the discretion of
the Vendors. In case of requisition of the land and buildings, the Purchasers
will be entitled to the compensation that will be awarded by the requisitioning
Vendors hereby agree and undertake to indemnify and keep the Purchasers
indemnified against any claims, demands, actions or proceedings that may be
made or taken or commenced against the Purchasers or that may be suffered by
the Purchasers by reason of anything done by the Vendors for the construction
of the buildings in pursuance of this agreement.
is hereby further agreed between the parties hereto that the Vendors shall
allow the Purchaser's officials or his Engineers on site ' at all reasonable
times to inspect the progress of the construction work and materials used for
the construction and the said persons shall be entitled to point out to the
Vendors any defects in the construction work, quality of workmanship or
materials used when such defective work is in progress or being executed or
such material is being brought on site and in such case the Vendors shall
rectify such defects in the said construction at their own cost and if the
Vendors tail to rectify the defects, the purchasers shall be entitled to get
such defects removed at the risk and cost of the Vendors.
Vendors shall procure all the materials required for construction of the
buildings, including steel and cement at their cost, and the Purchasers shall
not be liable for the procurement of such item. However, the Purchasers shall
co-operate with the Vendors by making necessary applications to the concerned
authorities, it required by the Vendors for steel and cement.
Vendors shall procure the completion and occupation certificates in respect of
all the buildings necessary from the Municipal Corporation of .............. in
order to enable the Purchasers to occupy and use the buildings. As soon as the
completion and occupation certificates are received by the Vendors, the Vendors
shall give a notice to the Purchasers to deliver the possession of the said
buildings and the Purchasers shall receive the possession of the said buildings
within a week from the date of receipt of such notice.
before the execution of the Deed of Conveyance in respect of the land and
buildings, the said land and building is notified by the Government or any
other authority for acquisition or requisition, the Purchasers shall not be
entitled to cancel this Agreement. In case of acquisition of the land and the
buildings, the Purchasers shall be entitled either to refund of the amount paid
by him to the Vendors under this Agreement or to the compensation for property
if and when awarded by the Government or other Authority at the discretion of
the Vendors. In case of requisition of the land and buildings, the Purchasers will
be entitled to the compensation that will be awarded by the requisitioning
Vendors hereby agree and undertake to indemnify and keep the Purchasers
indemnified against any claims, demands, actions or proceedings that may be
made or taken or commenced against the Purchasers or that may be suffered by
the Purchasers by reason of anything done by the Vendors for the construction
of the buildings in pursuance of this agreement.
notice to be served on the Vendors and Purchasers shall be deemed to have been
duly served, it sent to the Vendors and the Purchasers by Registered Post A.D.
at their addresses specified
the Vendors ...............................................
the Purchaser ...............................................
Thank you for your response. It will help us to improve in the future.