Warrant of Imprisonment on Failure to Pay Maintenance [CD1] 

(See Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code)

To the Officer in charge of the Jail at .................

WHEREAS (name, description and address) has been proved before me to be possessed of sufficient means to maintain his wife (name) [or his child (name) or his father or mother (name), who is by reason of (state the reason) unable to maintain herself (or himself)] and to have neglected (or refused) to do so, and an order has been duly made requiring the said (name) to allow to his said wife (or child or father or mother) for maintenance the monthly sum of rupees; and whereas it has been further proved that the said (name) in willful disregard to the said order has failed to pay rupees, being the amount of the allowance for the month (or months) of;

And thereupon an order was made adjudging him to undergo imprisonment in the said Jail for the period of;

This is to authorise and require you to receive the said (name) into your custody in the said Jail, together with this warrant, and there carry the said order into execution according to law, returning this warrant with an endorsement certifying the manner of its execution.

Dated, this ............day of...........19.

(Seal of the Court)


 [CD1]Warrant of Imprisonment on Failure to Pay Maintenance