IN THE COURT OF District Judge _________________ Insolvency Petition No. _______. of 20_______


……………………………..      aged.      _______      years,     son      of.      _______,       resident……………………………… 






1.  ……………………………………………….….,

 aged_______ years,  son of ______________________,  resident of ____________________  


2.  ……………………………….., 

aged _______ years,  son of _______,  resident of_______. etc. 

……………………………………………………………Creditor—Opposite Party. 


In           the          matter           of          the          Insolvency           of.           .          .          .           .          .          .            . 


The Provincial/Presidency  Towns Insolvency Act. 

The abovenamed Debtor-Applicant begs to state under the provision of Section _______ of the _______ Insolvency Act as hereunder: 

1.  That the petitioner is unable to pay his debts. 

2.  That the ordinary residency of the petitioner is (or that the petitioner carries on business or personally works for gain at _____________________.___) ________________________ (or if he has been arrested). That the petitioner was arrested or imprisoned and is in custody at ________________ 


3.  That in execution of a decree standing against your petitioner, (Execution Case No. _______of _______ of the Court of. ______________), your petitioner was arrested and ordered to be sent to civil imprisonment (or that in execution of a decree standing against your petitioner) (Ex. Case No _______ of

_______      of     the     Court      of     _______)     your     petitioner’s      property     has     been      attached. 


4.  That the total extent of the indebtedness of your petitioner is Rs._____________ detail whereof, together with the names and residences of his creditors so far as they are known or can, by the exercise of reasonable care and diligence, be ascertained by him given in Schedule ‘A’ hereto. 


5.  The entire assets of your petitioner consist of a cash sum of Rs._____________ and property the value of which and the place or places at which such property is to be found is given in Schedule ‘B’ hereto. 


6.  That your petitioner hereby declares his willingness to place at the disposal of this court all such property save insofar as it includes such property as is exempted by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, or by any other enactment for the time being in force from liability to attachment and sale in execution of a decree. 


7.  That the petitioner has not filed any application for adjudication as an insolvent in this or any other court. (If there has been any previous application give full particulars and result.) 


The      petitioner,      therefore,      prays      for      an      order      of      adjudication      as      an      insolvent. 


Sd. ……………………….. 

Dated. _______  Petitioner. 





I, ………………………….……………………….., the petitioner named in the above application, do hereby at _______, verify that the contents of Paras _______ of the above application are true to my knowledge and that the contents of Paras _______ of the same application are believed by me to be correct. 


Signed,      dated      and     verified     at._______      the      _______     day      of     _______,      20    _______



Sd. ………………………….. 

