TM - 5
MARKS ACT, 1958 [CD1]
(Notice of Opposition to Application
for registration of a Trade Mark, Section 21
(1), Rules 51 (2)
In the Matter
of Application No. …………………. in
Class …………….. in the name of …………………….., ……………. c/o …………………, …………………….
the matter of Opposition thereto by …………………………………………….
…………………….., a Company incorporated under
the Indian Companies Act, 1913
and having its registered office at ……………………….. in the
state of
……………………, hereby give notice of our
intention to oppose the Trade Mark
………………. advertised under the above number in Class ……….. in the Trade Marks
Journal No…………….. dated …………….20 ………. at
Page No………….
The grounds of opposition are as follows:
1. We
have been carrying on a well established
business as manufacturers and distributors of inter alia medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations including herbal formulations from over more than 3
are marketing and
distributing our whole
range of products through our
wide net work of dealers, chemists and
stockists in India and abroad under various
Trade Marks. Our
products bearing the various
trade marks enjoy high reputation and goodwill throughout the
2. We are the proprietors of the Trade
Mark '…………………’ which is registered under
the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act,
1958, particulars of which are as under :
registration of the aforesaid
Trade Mark has
been renewed from time
to time and the
same is valid
and subsisting as on date.
3. The
said Trade Mark is in use from
last over ………..years by the Company
originally by way of a licence from its original proprietor, ……………... which was
merged with the Company in the year 20……….., and hence, the Company is now the proprietor of the said Trade
Mark. Due to the excellent and intrinsic quality of the product sold under the
brand name ……………….., it enjoys a high reputation and
popularity among the general
public and those
concerned in the medicinal
profession and trade.
4. We have incurred huge expenses in
promoting the sales of the product bearing Trade Mark ………………. in India and as
a result of continuous, uninterrupted
and extensive use of the same, the
product has earned a high reputation and goodwill which is
a valuable asset for the
Company. The said
mark has become associated with the Company in the minds
of general public and those
concerned in the medical profession
and trade. The product
bearing the Trade Mark ……………… has become synonymous as a quality
product from ……………..
5. The
adoption of Trade Mark …………….. by the
applicant is, therefore,
blatantly dishonest and amounts to deliberate and mala fide attempt to misrepresent and cash on the goodwill
earned and enjoyed by our Trade Mark
……………….. The use of
the deceptively similar
Trade Mark by the applicant
is likely to deceive and cause
confusion and the registration of such
Trade Marks are barred by the provisions of
Section 11 (a) and 11 (e) of the Trade & Merchandise
Marks Act, 1958.
6. We
further state and submit that the impugned Trade Mark ………………. constitutes the
infringement of our
well known registered Trade Mark ……………… and the applicant's goods
are also likely to be passed off as those of ours.
7. The
goods in respect of which the applicant
is seeking registration are the
same and/ or almost same in respect of
our Company, who
are the proprietors of the Trade
Mark ……………….. Since the channels of
distribution and trade through which the goods of the
applicant would pass, would be
the same, it would result in confusion in the minds
of the general public and
those concerned in
medical profession and trade.
8. Trade Mark …………… is visually,
structurally and phonetically similar
to our Trade
……………….. This would
cause confusion and deception since
the use of Trade Mark …………… is
extensive and voluminous. The general public and
those concerned in the medical
profession and trade are aware of the
existence of our product bearing Trade Mark ………….. and the use of confusingly
similar Trade Mark …………….. will cause
irreparable harm to the Company, in addition to the general public and
those concerned in the medical profession and trade.
9. For the reasons stated hereinabove,
the registration of the trade mark
applied for in the said application
will be contrary to the
provisions of Section 11 (a), 11 (e),
12(1) and 18 of the Trade & Merchandise Marks Act, 1958.
The applicant's mark is
only proposed to be
used and, therefore, no harm
will be caused to the applicant if they voluntarily withdraw their application.
In view of the facts and circumstances stated
hereinabove and on the grounds and/ or reasons set out in the foregoing paras and also to maintain the sanctity of the
Register of Trade Marks
and the interest of the general
public, we respectfully submit that this is a fit and proper
case for the exercise of the Registrar's
discretion in favour of the Company by
denying the registration of the applicant's mark. It
is of paramount importance that there
should be no confusion in the minds of general public
and those concerned in the medical profession and trade which would cause
an adverse effect on the
purchasing public which may lead to dangerous consequences. Moreover, the
balance of convenience is in favour of
the Company as the applicants mark is proposed to be used.
We crave leave to add to and/ or amend or alter
any of the foregoing grounds. Therefore
we pray that :
a) This Notice of Opposition is allowed;
b) The
Application for registration of Trade Mark ………….. under
No………….. be refused
under the Trade
& Merchandise Marks Act, 1958;
c) That
the discretion vested in the Hon'ble Tribunal be exercised in favour of the
Company; and
d) The cost of these proceedings be
awarded to us.
communications in relation to these proceedings may be sent to the following address in India :
To :
Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry, …………
Dear Sir,
Re: Opposition to Application No.
…………….. in Class 5 in the name ………………….
Company Code No…………………….
Enclosed please
Notice of Opposition in
form TM-5, in triplicate on the above subject.
The necessary fees will be paid by the
bearer of this letter in cash.
Kindly acknowledge receipt.
Thanking You,
Thank you for your response. It will help us to improve in the future.