FORM ‘A’ OF RULES UNDER DELHI RENT CONTROL ACT, 1958. Before the Rent Controller, Delhi [CD1] 


IN THE COURT OF THE....................

........................................................................ Petitioner


........................................................................ Respondent




Application for Fixation of standard rent/increase of standard  rent/eviction of tenant


Under Section 14(l)(h) of the Delhi Rent Control Act 

(Strike out whatever is inapplicable)


1. Municiple No. of the premises and name if any


(give particulars of premises)


2. Street and Municipal ward or division in which the premises are situated


As above


3. (a) Name and address of the landlord

(b) Name and address of the tenant/ tenants.





4. Whether the premises are residential or non-residential.




5. In the case of residential premises, the number of persons occupying the same and in the case of non-residential premises the purpose for which these are used and the number of employees if any, working therein.





6. Whether any furniture is supplied by the landlord




7. Details of fittings if any, provided by the landlord.


Electricity, water and sanitary fittings, eat.


8. Details of accommodation available together with particulars as regards ground area garden and out houses if any (Plan to be attached).


Set out herein details of accommodation 


9. Whether the premises are occupied by a single tenant or by more than one tenant.




10. Amenities available in regard to lighting, water, sanitation and the like.


Water, electricity & sanitation.


11. Monthly rent together with details of house tax, electricity, water, and other charges paid by the tenant.


Rs….. per month excluding electricity and water charges


12. (a) Date of completion of construction of the premises and the cost thereof.

(b) Whether completion report was obtained from the local authority and





13. Rateable value as entered in the last property assessment book of the Delhi Municipal Corporation, New Delhi

Municipal Corporation, New Delhi Municipal Committee or the Delhi Cantonment Board, as the case may be.


As per municipal record.


14. Date on which the premises were let to the tenant and details of agreement,




if any, with the landlord (Attested copy of the agreement to be attached).




15. Whether the rent of the premises has been fixed under the New Delhi House Rent Control Order, 1939, or  the Delhi Rent Control Ordinance, 1944, or the Delhi and Ajmer Marwara Rent Control Act, 1947, or the Delhi and Ajmer Rent Control Act, 1952 or the Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958 & if so the amount of such rent and the date from which it took effect.


Not Applicable.


16. Whether there are any sub-tenants, and if so, the date of such sub letting, accommodation sub-let, whether with or without the written consent of the landlord and the rent charged from the sub tenant.


Not Applicable.


17. Whether any additions or alteration have been since the rent was fixed as stated under item No. 15, and if so the date on which such addition or alteration were made, the cost of such addition or alteration and whether they were carried out with the approval of the tenant or of the Controller.


The petition has not inspected the premises


18. (a) The ground on which the eviction of the tenant is sought.

(b) Whether notice required has been given and if so, particulars thereof (Copies of such notice and tenant’s reply if any, should be furnished.


The petitioner is the owner-landlord of the entire premises

No notice is required.


19. Any other relevant information.

The Petitioner filed suit bearing No…..

in the Court of Shri……….Rent Controler, Delhi.


20. Relief claimed.

It is prayer that a decree pf eviction may kindly be passed in favour of the petitioner and against the respondents in respect of the entire (more



specifically shown        in         site   plane annexed)

Any other relief, which the bon’ble Court deems fit and proper may also be granted to the petitioner and against the respondents.


(Signature of applicant/recognised agent)

Through Advocate  Date



I/we the above named petitioner/petitioner’s recognised agent do hereby verify that the contents of paragraph No..................... to.................... of my above application are true to my/our knowledge and last para is prayer to the court.

Verified at............. this...................., day of.............. 19........... at....................

(Signature of applicant/recognised agent)



Before the Rent Controller, Delhi