Rent Case No _______________________of .


Shri __________________________________ s/o Shri ________________________________ r/o______________________________________ .Applicant/Tenant. 




Shri _____________________________________ s/o ______________________________________ r/o________________________________________ .Respondent/Landlord. 

Application under section 21(2) of the H.P. Urban Rent Control Act,1987 on behalf of the Applicant/tenant for deposit of rent .



Respectfully Showeth: 


1.  That the applicant is in occupation of one residential set on the __________floor of the building known as _______ at ________ as a tenant since ________________ on a monthly rental of Rs._________/- payable to the respondent/landlord. 


2.  That the premises in occupation of the applicant comprise of ____rooms. Kitchen bath cum toilet etc. 


3.  That the respondent/landlord from the very beginning has not been issuing receipt for the rent paid to him regularly and also insisted to pay the rent in cash. The applicant has paid rent up to _________ to the respondent but no receipt of rent was issued by the respondent. 


4.  That when ever the applicant insisted upon the respondent to issue receipt of rent paid to him, the respondent started threatening to forcibly evict the applicant and his family from the premises under his occupation. After great persuasion, the respondent acknowledged the payment of rent only up to _____________________ in a letter addressed to the applicant received by him through Regd Post.

Copy of the letter is attached with this application. 


5.  That the respondent sent a payees account cheque bearing No.________________ dated __________ amounting to Rs._____________ drawn on __________________. The respondent deliberately avoided to receive the Registered A.D. cover containing the cheque and refused to accept the notice and rent , the copy of the notice, postal receipt, copy of cheque and copy of the Regd cover is attached for the perusal of the learned court. 


6.  That the applicant has also offered the payment of rent personally in cash also to the respondent but the respondent refused to accept the same and also refused to issue receipt to the applicant. The applicant has no other alternative to deposit the rent in this learned court for the month of

___________ amounting to     Rs. _________payable to     the respondent. 


It is, therefore, humbly prayed that the application be allowed and a sum of Rs.________________/-- on account of rent for the month of __________ in respect of the premises _________ be ordered to be deposited and the respondent be directed to accept the same in the interest of law and justice. 

















I, the above named applicant do hereby verify that the contents of para 1 to 6 of the application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. No part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed therefor. 


Verified at __________on this ____day of. Applicant