IN THE HIGH COURT OF....................

CM. No..................... of 19....................

S. A. O. No..................... of 19....................

B.  C................................................................ Appellants


C.  F............................................................... Respondent


Affidavit of Shri.................... s/o.................... aged about.................... years, R/o....................

I.................... do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: —

1.  That I am one of the appellants and am fully conversant with the facts of the case.

2.  That the contents of the accompanying application under Order 41 Rule 5 and Order 42 Rule 1 read with Section 151C. P. C. are true to my knowledge.



I, the abovenamed deponent, do hereby verify that the above affidavit is true to my knowledge and no part of it is false.

Verified on this................. day of.................... 19.................... at....................
