Ref : In the case of M/s _, Assessment Year .
Affidavit of Mr...................................... ,
aged ……………
resides at .
I, the above named deponent do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under:
1. That the deponent is the proprietor of the firm above named
and hence is fully conversant of the facts deposed BEFORE THE HON’BLE
2. That in the assessment year under consideration the …….Officer has bitterly rejected the account books of the
deponent and assessed to tax as under:
(a) Admitted turn
over Rs.
(b) Assessed turn over Rs.
(c) Disputed turn over Rs.
(d) Admitted Tax Rs.
(e) Assessed Tax Rs.
(f) Disputed Tax Rs.
That the learned……..has not considered the reply to show –
cause, submitted by the deponent at
the time of hearing and the learned……………) has also not considered whereas this was one of the grounds of 1st Appeal.
2. That the learned
……….has rejected the books of accounts on the basis of survey report of and the learned has also
relied on the same.
3. That learned ……….has
not mentioned about the survey report and argument of the counsel on the
4. That previous history
of the deponent is neat and clean. Besides no argument of the counsel on the
5. That the accounts of
the firm were always accepted in the pass and also in subsequent years.
6. That deponent
has maintained proper accounts consisting of case book ledger, stock book, daily manufacturing account
and sales and purchase vouchers.
7. That deponent takes
actual stock on 31st, March every years . The same procedure has been followed in stock taking in the assessment
year under consideration.
8. That disputed
tax is Rs. , which is very heavy for the deponent to deposit because
financial position of the deponent
is very weak.
9. That deponent
has full hope that this Hon’ble Court will admit
the account and allow the appeal.
10. That on the point
stated above the deponent prays this Hon’ble Court to waive the condition of depositing ……of the disputed tax and
grant stay for full amount of the disputed
tax being Rs. .
I, …………………………………………….., the above named deponent do hereby verify
that the contents of this affidavit from paras 1 to 12 are true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Nothing material has been
Dated…………….. Deponent
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