Affidavit Filed On Behalf Of The Caveator U/S. …………….Of C.P.C.

CAVEAT No ………….. of ………….

Between :

A.B.                                                              Caveator


C.D.                                                              Respondents


Affidavit filed on behalf of the Caveator U/s. …………….

            of C.P.C.


1. I, Mr…………………………………………………………………………………....,

an adult Indian inhabitant within the jurisdiction of this Hon'ble Court do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:

2. I submit that I am the absolute owner in possession and enjoyment of the scheduled property and Respondents have nothing to do with the same.  To cause harassment and wreck vengeance against me, the respondents are threatening to institute Civil Suit or Suits against me and seek Ex parte Order like Injunction, the appointment of the Commissioner, the appointment of the Receiver, etc., in which case.  I must be put on notice failing which I will be put to serious loss.

3. I also submit that for the reasons stated above it is prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased to lodge a Caveat in ……………………………………. and order notice of all urgent applications and pass such other suitable orders.


Solemnly affirmed at ...................  Deponent on this …………….. day of.............. 20.....before me
