Marriage Divorce Reply On

Marriage Divorce Reply On


In the court of




Reply on behalf of the replying respondent to the ________ 


Respectfully Sheweth:- 

Preliminary Objections:- 

1. That the present application is not maintainable in its present form. ______ 

2. That the applicants have no locus stand to file and maintain the present application. The applicant was never married to the replying respondent and as such there is no question of any child being born of any such wedlock. ___________ Now the applicants have filed the present application on ill advise so as to wrongfully and unlawfully take gain and extort money from the replying respondent by coercion and pressure. The replying respondent has his own family to take care of from his meager income. ______

3. That the present application is misconceived, false, frivolous and vexatious and bereft of merits thus deserves to be dismissed out rightly. 

Reply on Merit: 

1. That the contents of this part of the application are wrong and hence denied. 


2. That the contents of this part of the application are wrong and hence denied. 

3. That the contents of this part of the application are wrong and hence denied. 

4. That the contents of this part of the application are wrong and hence denied. 

5. That the contents of this para of the application are wrong and hence denied. 

6. That the contents of this part of the application are wrong and hence denied. 

7. That the contents of this part of the application are wrong and hence denied. 

8. That the contents of this part of the application are wrong and hence denied. 

It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that the petition is false, frivolous and vexatious and therefore, deserves dismissal and may kindly be dismissed with costs in the interest of justice. It is also submitted that in the given facts and circumstances of the case no interim order can be granted in favour of the applicants. 



Replying Respondent 


Through, Advocate