FORM No. 41
Registration No. of Company________________..
Registration of an existing company as a limited company copy of resolution assenting to registration with limited liability
[Pursuant to section 565(1) proviso, Clauses (v) and (vii) 1]
Name of Company_________________________________________________________
Presented by___________________________________________________________
Copy/Copies of resolution/resolutions' passed at a general meeting of ________....held on the_____________ day of__________ 19________. assenting to its being registered with limited liability.
The resolution/resolutions' to be written, typed or printed here,).
Dated this of__________..19_____________
We____________.of______________and____________being two of the' of do solemnly and sincerely declare that the particulars set forth in the several documents accompanying this declaration are true to our knowledge in regard to the particulars__________________ and true to the best of our information and belief in regard to the other particulars.
Dated the___________________. day of _________..19___________
1 Where a company is proposed to be registered as a company limited by guarantee there should be two resolutions, one in accordance with section 565(1) proviso, clause (v) and the other in accordance with section 565(1) proviso, clause (vii) of the Companies Act, 1956.
2 State whether Director, Managing Director, Manager or Secretary.
3 State whether Directors or other Principal Officers.
4 Insert name of company.
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